Vårutstilling 2019
NSK Avd. Hordaland avholdt utstilling i Fjellangerhallen 6. april 2019. Dommer var Dr. Riccardo Di Carlo, Italia.
BIS Voksen ble N DK UCH Twin Peaks Zest My Day - Eier: Monica Lie/Oppdretter: L. A. B. Aarra
Dommeren skriver følgende om hundene som var med på utstillingen:
"I had 58 Spaniel to Judge .
Quality of English Cockers and English Springers was really nice .
My best of breed in Cockers was a really beautiful black bitch from Veteran
Class , still in perfect show conditions , beautiful outline , short in boby with
armoniosus body proportions and with super temperament . A real lady .
In males i had also really good quality with winner of champion class that took
BOS , a dog really full of quality with excellent proportions and excellent
movement .Quality of Coat was in most of cases really excellent with almost
all dogs well groomed and handled . Judging Spaniel i pay a lot of attention
to temperament , i think that Spaniels should show a cheerful temperament
with always wagging tail on the move and that adoring look that only
Spaniels have . And that is so much important during my judgement.
So in most of cases i rewarded dogs with features up mentioned .
In English Springers quality was also very good , with dogs well in balance ,
of good sizes , excellent breed expressions and nice behaviour . Best of
Breed was a Bitch of really Excellent quality , with wonderful shape , excellent
proportions and a movement really fantastic , i think she can win everywhere .
She was also my BIS 2°. In males quality was also nice but overall i preferred
females .
In American Cocker i had only 3 dogs of medium quality , winner was a red
and white female , nice in body with good movement .
In Field i liked my BOB , a dog of right size with right good construction and
powerful movement .
In Clumber i had 2 very cute and nice puppies still in full development and a
nice strong female with excellent body and lovely soft expression so typical of
this breed .she was BIS3.
In Wesh Springers my BOB was an excellent dog very masculine in
excellent conditions , well muscled , with very typical head and expression ,
that ended as BIS4 .
It has been a very nice experience , that did fill my eyes of beautiful and
sweet dogs as spaniels are . I want also Thank all Exhibitors tha showed
under me for kindness and to have accepted my judgments with sportiness .
My best Wishes for the future to breed and love with care those marvellous
breed tha are SPANIELS .
Riccardo Di Carlo"
BIS 2: Engelsk Springer Spaniel N UCH Bobwhites Sparkling Bubbles - Eier/Oppdretter: E. Grindheim
BIS 3: Clumber Spaniel N UCH DK (U)CH Clumbraise Angel In The Snow - Eier: M. Klemetsen/Oppdretter: G. Lunde
BIS 4: Welsh Springer Spaniel Dennis Av Vettin - Eier: D. Fagervik/Oppdretter: Merete Sanne Mørk
BIS Veteran: Cocker Spaniel N DK UCH Twin Peaks Zest My Day - Eier: Monica Lie/Oppdretter L.A.B. Aarra
BIS 2 Veteran: Engelsk Springer Spaniel N VCH RL1 Fjordgløtt Bonnie - Eier/Oppdretter: Elin Anita Gjerde
BIS 3 Veteran Field Spaniel INT NORD UCH N SE VCH NJV-11 NORDV-14 DKV-15 Winterbourne Special Design - Eier: E-B. Duckett/Oppdretter: M. Köhlström
BIS Valp: Trismatos Pina Colada - Eier: M. Lie/T. Svartås/Oppdretter: T. Svartås
BIS 2 Valp: Clumber Spaniel Visendums Seal The Deal - Eier/Oppdretter: M. Klemetsen
BIS 3 Valp: Engelsk Springer Spaniel Yes Man Can You Feel The Love - Eier: C. Vente/Oppdretter: L. Iversen
BIS 4 Valp: Amerikansk Cocker Spaniel Truly Yours Got To Have It - Eier K. Vidme/Oppdretter: C. Hansen
BIS Junior: Engelsk Springer Spaniel Bobwhite`s Pillow Talk - Eier/Oppdretter: E. Grindheim:
BIS 2 Junior: Cocker Spaniel VIP Vivaldi Ygritto - Eier E. Larsen/Oppdretter: B. Bafia
BIS Bruks: Engelsk Springer Spaniel RL1 Desperados Happy Me - Eier/Oppdretter: I. Handegård
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